Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, March 21, 2011

Walkers and I Don't See Eye to Wheel.

I have never liked walkers for babies.  Every time I see a baby in one, I just want to grab that baby out and let them move on their own. I didn't even know about it being outlawed in Canada (I wish it was here too) or that the AAP was against it (source.)  I have just never liked the idea of a baby using something other than themselves (of course with help from people and furniture and such) to learn how to be mobile. 

I want my son to rely on himself to learn to walk and to learn how to balance the right way.
(They delay those things anyways source).
I don't want my son to cruise around the room and bump into things at high speeds.
(can move 3 feet in 1 second!-source)
They cause many injuries to babies who use them even with the parent watching.
(He is already going to get banged up enough learning to walk. source )

Anyways, I just don't like them and that should be that. 

Of course, my Mother in Law doesn't see my view, instead she has him using a walker without asking me first!!! When I found out today I was so angry! I nicely made it clear I don't like them and she totally shrugged me off! What the stars??? I don't want to be rude, and she is a free babysitter and is getting old (turning 65 next month), but she should respect my wishes when I say I don't like something and I shouldn't even have to explain myself (I didn't go very deep, but told her I wished him to learn all this on own and she just went "blah, yes he does" and didn't even let me try to say much.)

Luckily, Boo Boo is only over there 3 days a week for 4 hours, so if all else, he won't get much walker time, but it still pisses me off about it. Maybe I should just have hubby try to take the wheels off.

All I know is that this isn't quite over yet, and I will get rid of that darn thing before another baby gets hurt! (one baby in the family fell down the stairs in one last year!)

Am I overreacting? Are these sources I pulled just BS? I don't think so.
Another thing about "old school" that frustrates me.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Fake A$$ People

Oh my stars, sometimes I hate the internet...
I go on babycenter alot, but since it is by phone, I don't get to comment and post often, but when I heard about this 'baby Ben" who died from cancer, of course I was sad! And I put Boo Boo in blue for a slideshow and now to find out it all was fake. How flipping sick!
If I ever post a pic of Boo Boo or future kids on BBC again, I will watermark them.

Luckily I am not really an active member, but still. It is gross that people get a kick out of these things...

That was one rant for me, I got a couple more coming up...stay tuned!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Month 6: Goals and Accomplishments

Wow, 6 months old another 6 months we will be celebrating his first birthday. CRaZy!!! So much happens so fast that sometimes you don't have enough time to enjoy it!

What has Boo Boo accomplished in Month 5?
  • Eats like a pro now! He LOVES food like no other! He will now open his mouth when he sees the spoon. Just this week he started to grab at the spoon and help guide it to his mouth. haha. (All I did was feed him with a spoon.)  **Goal of mine**
  • Can play peek a boo! He pulls his blankey up over his face, than laughs as he pulls it down and you can "peek a boo!!" He loves playing it! So darn cute! (Just gave him his own blanket to play with and played with him.)  **Not a Goal of mine**
  • He is really starting to get into toys now and grabs them (and phones haha).  (Just kept giving him toys to play with)  **Goal of Mine**
  • Can sit really good, but you still need to be right there as he still topples over. Gets better by the week!!! (Just kept working with him, putting him in front of a mirror as helped a lot!)  **Goal of Mine**
  • When either on back or tummy he can turn (as in turn directions from facing the wall to door, etc) and he is kind of scooting, but not really just yet.  (It's a working progress, but I keep giving him tummy time and letting him have flat back time to kick around and move that way)  **Goal of Mine**
  • Feet to mouth. He can bring his feet all the way up tries to eat them. (Just encouraged him to play with his feet)  **Not Goal of Mine**
What I think Boo Boo can accomplish in month 6:
  • Sit great unsupported. He gets better by the day. Just keep working at it.
  • Scooting/starting to crawl. I really want him to crawl, so he gets as much tummy time as he lets me before he starts screaming.
  • sleep good at night, only waking up a few times. He still wakes up 3-4 times and I think it can get better.
  • Say another word. He hasn't said a new word in a few months, so I think it is time for a new one :)
  • Recognize a few baby sign language words. It is hard, but I will keep at it because I think it will be good for him.
  • play with his toys more. He is finally starting to get into them, so I will just keep letting him play.
Realistic goals for Month 6:
  •  Sit unsupported. Today alone he sat for at least 10 minutes (with me sitting behind him) before he toppled over, so he is getting better by the day!
  • Scooting. I think if he isn't crawling, he can hopefully be scooting! I can't wait!!!
  • Say another word. He loves to talk!
Overall, I have a smaller number of goals this month because learning to be mobile takes a lot of work and so that is basically what we will work on! I want him to learn to be more independent but know I am here for him as well! I hope that as spring comes, we can start taking a few walks in the stroller and have fun!

6 more months until he's a year! AHHH!!!!! :)