Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

About JoJo

As I sit here holding my 5 month old baby boy that I call my "boo boo", I realize that although I may have nothing useful to say, I want to have something for my son and I to look back on together. Something that is more personal than a scrapbook, goes more in depth than a video camera, and something more meaningful than a picture. So this is for my son, and anyone who is either friend or stranger that would like to join in on my awesome journey of motherhood...

Oh my name is Amy Jo. :)
I live in Wisconsin.
Yes, I am a Cheesehead, though I married a Vikings fan.
More tomboy like than "girly".
Graduated High School in 2006.
I have a younger brother.
Hubby is only the second relationship I have been in.
Hubby is 9 years older than me.
Got married on my 21st Birthday instead of going to bars.
Had a miscarriage Sept. 2009, got pregnant with Boo Boo Dec. 2009.
Had Boo Boo August 26th, 2010 via C-Section.
Induced at 37 weeks due to mild pre-e and found Boo Boo breech due to my septum in my uterus.
I want to be better to my son than my parents were to me.

Some of my parenting styles:(they always change, as babies change ;p )
  • Breastfeed Boo Boo until 4 months (damn bottle won when the whole house got sick...)
  • Cloth diapers (with disposables here and there)
  • non CIO
  • part time co-sleeping (working on full time crib sleeping...)
  • part time working mama (MIL babysits)
  • looking into positive discipline for when Boo Boo gets older
  • baby comes first (chores, myself, hubby, etc comes after)