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Monday, February 7, 2011

Ending The Cycle...Circumcision

With the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade that just approached, it really got me thinking even more so than after Boo Boo was born on whether I did the right thing by circumcising him. I am very pro-choice and about keeping woman's reproductive rights, but it never fully measured that I was being a hypocrite to my own son by voiding him of his! What was wrong with me for doing such a thing? Will I ever be forgiven by my son? Can we finally break all these cycles and let humans of both genders have reproductive rights?

While I was pregnant with Boo Boo, I had so many decisions to make that at the end of the day I always ended up with huge thinking headaches! Sometimes I couldn't sleep because I couldn't shut off my brain along with being uncomfortable.
Breastfeeding, bottle feeding, diapers, clothes, cribs, toys, and so on. You name it, I had to think about it for 9 months on whether I was for or against it. To be honest I didn't always let hubby have a say either. So after we found out it was a boy and the doctor asked us about circumcision, I looked right at him for once and let him answer. I simply thought " I don't have a penis, I won't decide." But I should have taken it a step further and not let hubby decide either, that it is my son's choice, and his alone.

Like I said, so much else was running through my brain. Hubby wanted it done, everyone I know had it done and never heard a complaint, so it really didn't seem like a big deal to me anyways. I kind of pushed it back into my head to re-open after he was born.

I had a friend try to convince me not to circumcise. I don't know why, but I thought all that was silly. When I should have taken the time to really research it, I just did a quick biased one, thought it would be fine, and went on searching for the best cloth diapers to use. I was so clueless. Also, hubby wanted none of it. I guess, it was his way of saying that there was nothing wrong with his manhood. Yep, men and their manhood...Hubby is true to that one!
Again, I was pregnant, uncomfortable, and thought it was just what most boys did. I figured I would give the final answer after he was born and left part of me open for not having it done.

So Boo Boo was born via cesarean and that first 24 hours was a blur! A good 12 of it I was drugged and another 12 recovering from being drugged. I am one who hates being drugged and only would take Ibuprofen after that first round of drugs they gave me, because boy was I out of it! I took that pain over being drugged, but glad to not have that initial pain right afterwards. 
Anyways, I was recovering from the drugs when they came to take him for the circumcision. I didn't even get to think! So a yes was said and off he went...

While he was recovering from his circumcision I knew I made a mistake, but I told no one. Not even hubby. It was like one of those things that no one talked about and kept hushed. I wondered how many other mothers felt this way and didn't speak up as well. It was as if it was a situation that if I didn't talk about it, it didn't exist. I didn't want hubby and everyone to think I was overreacting or to tell me to give it up. I knew that what was done was done.  So I just kept it to myself and acted like it was all okay.

Thankfully it went off without a hitch and his doctor said he had a great one. Never any issues. So I am blessed for that after hearing what can go wrong with many boys.

Changing his diapers, oh my stars! How could I have done this to him? The bleeding, and you could tell he was in pain! I felt like a horrible mom! Here I was a new mom and I already felt like the world's worst mother for putting him in pain.  I could barely breastfeed him (luckily a nipple shield fixed that) and now I put him in pain for no good reason at all. Hormones running through me, man it was crazy. Not talking about it didn't help as well. I just did my best to think about his being healthy and focused on that. I figured I would talk about it when I was ready.

Now I am ready.

Sometimes when I change him or bathe him, seeing it still makes me feel a little guilty. But it gets better. I hope to be brave enough to talk about it soon outside of my blog. But it's hard. It is hard to admit you made a mistake that you really can not fix. It is hard to know that others around you won't feel the same way you do. It is hard when you know you need to stick up for your child, but you don't know where to start. It is hard being a first time mom and knowing that you will continue making these mistakes. How do you know the best choices for your kids? How do you find the right answers, will you ever? Do you just hope that you aren't setting them up for failure? Is that hope enough? Is is even worth feeling guilty over something like this? These are some questions I ponder many a times. Making it even harder to come forward on this subject. At least, this is the case for me.

I can't change what was done. I can't just focus on the past. All I can do is move on and educate. Thinking my friend was crazy, she wasn't! Now I can join her in on the "craziness" so to say. Sometimes it takes learning those lessons the hard way. No one is perfect, I know I am far from it. I am just lucky to have a happy and healthy growing boy and keep learning along with him.  That is all any parent can do. I just hope that more people can learn about this BEFORE it's done. So that one day it will no longer be.

I now know any future son(s) of mine will remain intact, I know this without telling hubby. I probably won't really talk too much to him about it unless we have another son. Sometimes I bring up things about future kids and he always says "let's focus on the one we got", so I do my best to follow that, as there is no need to argue about what ifs, etc.

I will join the fight in getting rid of circumcision for newborns all together. Just like I will always fight for women and the right to their own reproduction. I won't shy away. I won't be embarrassed to say "yes I made that mistake, I won't ever again and I hope you don't either". All we can do is take what we learned and make it better going forward.  Some learn the hard way, others don't.  Some won't open their eyes until its too late, others just won't understand. All we can do is educate and hope for the best.
My friend had hoped the best for me, and I failed. But that doesn't mean it's a lost cause and to not keep trying. The rates of circumcision get lower and lower, so it is working! Don't give up now, never give up for choices for everyone, both boys and girls. 

I don't see anything wrong with a boy wanting to be circumcised, and they should have that choice themselves after looking at all the pros and cons to do so. But for a newborn boy, I don't think it should be so, and I hope in the future that it isn't even an option at birth. That we let them decide for themselves when they are old enough to do so. Also, for me, it just seems so wrong to put a newborn baby through that after they just went through the long and tiring birth process.

I will sit down with my son when he is old enough to understand. I don't want him to think there is anything wrong with his manhood, but I want him to understand that I made the mistake to not let him fully decide for himself, and to hopefully open his eyes to it all. To hope that any grandson(s) of mine will be given that choice if it is still being done to newborns when my son is ready to have kids.
To end the cycle. 
That is all I can hope for in my family...

This was very hard to me to come out and say. Especially this being a heated topic. (Yes, a boys penis is a heated topic, who would figure)?  I would never attack someone who decides to do this to their son, heck I did! But, whether you feel the same way or not, in the end I hope my story at least helps others to FULLY research before hand, and to do so open mindfully.  Don't just push it to the side like I did. And if you do decide to circumcise, of if you decide not to, you know that you did the best you could to find out about it and feel confident in your decision. 

Need some websites to get started? Here is a few I found (though I found them too late...)

**This one is my favorite and easiest to read**
 Other good ones with lots of information:

It took me days to write this out and many emotions came through. As I sit here with my 5 1/2 month old son, I am so thankful to have him in my arms. I still kick myself over and over on this subject. As me being not very old school, I still wonder how I fell through the cracks on this one. And I am somewhat angry at the other mothers of boys surrounding me not speaking up after putting their baby boy through that pain and why they still agree to it after witnessing such a thing. And I am somewhat angry at my husband for wanting his son to go through the same pain he did even though he doesn't remember it. Just angry right now as I type this after all these sad, guilty, and frustrating emotions have been going through me for 5 months. 

Being a mother is like no other. I had no idea how it would change me, and now I am starting to see those changes. 

Please forgive me son, although I may never forgive myself, I hope that you will forgive me...

End the cycle


    1. Thank you for the post Amy! I knew this was you and Josh's decision and something to do with your family's religion so I try not to push my opinion too much, but I am happy you have come to this realization. This is the same thing with piercing an infants is their body, it should be their decision, it is a pointless procedure that has no real medical benefits and is just a societal preference and societal value...but WE are educated and we can make the decision not to.

      You will make many decisions as a parent, some will not be what you think is best months later, but you do your research and follow your instincts, speak up, and decide for you child! Just like us and "nana", said she was going to use disposables on SAP when she was changing her, but it is our choice as parents, I do not want her submitted to harmful chemicals, thus it is my choice, for my child's health, and now things are much better, she doesn't fight me on my decisions anymore, she knows I do what is best for her, does not look at me like a child anymore. Hey I am still learning too! Diaper ointment I used for half of SAP's life that is cloth diaper safe I learn contains ingrediants not so safe for people! You live you learn, then you spread the knowledge just like you are doing, because most people just do not KNOW. Once they do they will understand. :)

    2. I'm glad you're ending the cycle :) I was so upset with myself that I never researched it before Acacia was born (we didn't know the sex until she was born). She is a girl, obviously, but if she had been a boy she would have been circumcised without any disagreement from me.

      I was at my SIL's birthing class when Acacia was about 11 months old. The instructor suggested they not circumcise if they had a boy (they didn't find out until the birth either--they had a girl). They said they would circumcise a boy no matter what, for religious reasons (the reasons I would have used also) and the lady told them that old-school religious circumcision wasn't the same as how it is done now. They made it obvious they didn't want to hear about it so she didn't say anything else, but it really got me thinking, and that's when I started to research. Before that point I had NEVER heard anyone suggest not circumcising. I just thought that's what you do with a boy! lol how silly of me.... When I realized how misled I had been, I decided that I needed to tell others about it, because no one had told me. I am so glad Acacia is a girl and I can not imagine how you might feel. I tried to tell you my thoughts without hurting our friendship but I still am not sure the most effective way to do that. It's a controversial topic.

    3. you guys are my best friends, and I am glad we are going through being parents together!
      Sonya- I have no idea why I didn't take you seriously or anything, I guess cuz at that point I put Josh and his feelings first and left it at that. Now that I am a parent I know not to do that!
      I am so glad we 3 have each other :)

    4. Aww what about me?? :-( LOL

      Girl, I'll tell ya, Erik is pretty much all about defending his manhood and his choice to circumcise his own son. He won't hear anything against it. My dad won't either, he likes the "it's cleaner" argument. I'll admit I was for it for the longest time just because it's what was done, but I can actually credit Sonya with getting me to look into it more. I might not be a parent yet but I'm already doing my research so I can *try* and be somewhat prepared with the bigger decisions in life.

      Someday when Bryson's old enough you can always explain it to him, I'm sure he'll still love his mommy just the same.

    5. of course you too Randi! you my home girl! lol.
      if you ever have a boy and need help I will gladly help out :) and its never too earlier to look into things if you think you might have kids one day!

    6. Here is a video that many women have said was the most effective in convincing their men against circumcision. It seems to speak to them in a way that doesn't hurt their egos. If you get pregnant with another boy, I would start here with trying to explain it to Josh.

      P.S. I know the link says "espanol" but it's in English lol.

    7. @Sonya, that video is great! I know Erik and I have already discussed some things, since the only 100% to not have kids is to not do it, but this is one subject he just doesn't seem to budge on. I think it's a defense mechanism, they feel like it was done to them and it should continue being done to future generations.

      I love that we all can stick together on this topic!

    8. Ask your husband to read your blog - it is beautifully passionately argued!
