Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 4, 2011

Naps? What are Those?

My son is 5 months and already fights me on naps. I am SO looking forward to the toddler years....hahaha

But seriously, he doesn't want to nap! It's like he misses out on something when he naps! It's crazy! He gets tired and when I try to put him down he freaks out! Screams for a good 10-20 minutes before I can calm him down to sleep. Geez! It's fun...yep....loads...

Sometimes if the timing is right, a bottle puts him down. If not, oh no! The fun begins. I rock him, hold down his arms and legs (he otherwise keeps moving to stay awake and he is too big for swaddling now) and just shush him down to sleep with his pacifier. Sometimes it works in 5 minutes. Other times, its been an hour later and I feel like pulling out my hair! Yikes!

I got a smart one too. You just say nap, or ni-ni or nighttime, oh boy! He gets mad! He can already say ni-ni, so he will say it when he is tired and then get mad! It's so cute!

I get on a roll sometimes where I can time it all just right. About every 2 hours he needs some sort of nap, so if I get those time frames right he can usually go down fairly easily. But to be too early or too late, forget about it!

I don't really have a nap time routine. I think I may try one, but I am not sure what yet. They say keep it similar to bedtime, but for bedtime it is bath, message/lotion, a bottle, then rock to sleep. So I really don't know what I can take from that for naps....hmmm....

And I just love it when he gets good naps in, he is such a great baby and easy going! If only we could get like that everyday! He gets so crabby and than doesn't want to be put down when he isn't napping. It drives me crazy by the end of the day! 

Do I just get use to one that hates to sleep?

I hope I find a good solution soon. I need to keep my sanity and I would like a happy sleeping baby!

So don't fear, you are not alone if your baby is like mine and refuses to sleep...

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