Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Enjoying The Simple Things

I live in Wisconsin so today was the first day I was able to take Boo Boo for a walk around the block in his stroller. It was still kind of cold, but doable for a walk none the less! Even though he was born late August, by the time I healed from surgery and everything it was too cold for walks.

Of course he slept the whole time =/

But it was that simple thing I really enjoyed.  It reminded me of my pregnancy walks talking to him about anything that was on my mind.  Boo Boo knows things that no one else does.  Even though he will never remember, it is still a nice feeling to share with him.

Than the summer will come and as he turns a year old he will be walking and doing things on his own already.  Time is going by so fast that I am not sure if I am ready for an independent baby! I am as excited as can be about it all, but part of me will really miss this first year. Learning everything together has been an adventure to say the least! And in about a week he will already be 6 months old! 

The simple things; like walks, talks and coos, singing about the moon. Making him smile with my smile is the best.

Come Spring time come! I can't wait for more walks and to show Boo Boo the Earth coming to life! It is my favorite part of the year! I don't think I could live anywhere that didn't have spring time.

Time to go feel the breeze and have fun with my Boo Boo! Looking forward to it :)


  1. Ok, first, how did you get 14 Google followers already?? Lol I only have 4.

    Anyway, I'm very glad the weather is getting nicer! We went to the park today and it was great. You're going to have so much fun when Bryson is able to play and walk and talk. Going for a walk will take 10 times as long (because he'll want to turn over rocks and step on things) but it's nice to see them learning and exploring. I finally let Jasmine play in the snow today lol. She wasn't sure what to think about that...

  2. haha Babycenter! They are moms with babies born same time as Boo Boo :)
    I am so excited for spring and summer for those reasons too :) and next winter snow for sure!
